Episode 24

Friday 12-02-2022


December 2nd, 2022

38 mins 11 secs

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About this Episode

Critical Thought

December 02, 2022

What is the source of our sexual problems? Could it be sexual sin? The Bible has this laid out and Pastor Paul Knight from HOPE Church joins Critical Thought as we step through this issue.

Main Reference(s):


Dalliance, who’s 31, drives a truck for a living, long ago decided that he didn’t want any biological children, period. He doesn’t feel like it’s right to bring a child into this world, what with fears of climate Armageddon and democratic backsliding. But, he says, it was a single event this year that prompted him to make the 2½-hour trek from Kansas City to make sure he couldn’t have biological children: the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade.

Twenty minutes after the Dobbs ruling in June, Missouri banned all abortions, except in cases of medical emergencies. And that, Dalliance says, “made the consequences of an unplanned pregnancy much worse.”

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