Episode 47

Friday 01-06-2023


January 6th, 2023

1 hr 22 mins 55 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

Critical Thought

January 06, 2023

DFL’ers from the Minnesota House and Senate joined advocates today (Thu) to announce legislation to legalize adult-use cannabis in the state. We talk with a cardiologist of over 40 years to help us understand the Damar Hamlin incident.

Main Reference(s):

From the KNOX News Room:


DFL’ers from the Minnesota House and Senate joined advocates today (Thu) to announce legislation to legalize adult-use cannabis in the state.

Rep. Zach Stephenson, the bill’s House author, says it will create a “safe, well-regulated legal marketplace, including best practices for consumer protection, health, and public safety.”

He said it also includes a “robust expungement program, so people who have disproportionately been caught in the criminal justice system due to cannabis can move on with their lives. Minnesota is ready for legalization.”

Stephenson says current laws do more harm than good.

“State and local governments are spending millions enforcing laws that aren’t helping anyone, money that could be put to far better purposes,” he said. “There is a better way, where we’re honest about cannabis and its impact, and model our laws accordingly.”

The bill had its first reading today (Thu). It was referred to the Commerce Finance and Policy Committee.

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